Detangling Natural Hair

If you use a comb to detangle make sure information technology'southward a WIDE Tooth Rummage! Denman castor is preferred!

Detangling natural hair can scare yous if you are new to it but don't worry nosotros are here to aid. So hither is is a written tutorial on how to make information technology all happen. Really it is a listing on things to go along in mind when taking on this task. To watch video tutorials you should definitely head over to Youtube.

Before you start there is an gild to what y'all must practise when detangling your thirsty roots.

  1. Treat The Pilus
  2. Rinse The Hair
  3. Condition The Hair
  4. Detangle The Hair


  1. Only do information technology when moisture
  2. Use a Denman castor
  3. Don't be crude
  4. Use a flossy conditioner vs a watery conditioner
  5. Stretch out hair
  6. Showtime at ends and work your way upwardly
  7. Department off hair to brand information technology easier
  8. Rinse with warm water when done

You should arrive the practise of styling or maintaining your hair once a week at most. Nosotros have institute that the less you touch your hair the more than healthier it grows. You should be sleeping with a satin scarf wrap on your caput or laying on a satin pillowcase while sleeping because cotton robs your pilus of moisture.

Spend more time detangling the middle and back or your hair because this is where almost women get tangled up. This is due to sleeping positions, couches and headrest. These amongst other things affect sections of your pilus more ofttimes than other parts. Think no matter how gentle y'all are in detangling your hair yous will even so go some that will come out. This is normal just be sure to practice working snags carefully with your fingers and the denim brush.

If you employ a rummage to detangle make sure it'south a WIDE TOOTH COMB! Denman brush is preferred!

Virtually the author

Our goal is to share the dazzler of Afro-textured hair and to have a place where nosotros tin come together to get examples, advice, and information of blackness pilus growth and hairstyles. Whether yous have permed, pressed, or natural pilus it's still black hair and it's beautiful.


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